Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fremont Public Library - part 1

A while back I visited the Fremont Public Library up in Mundelein and -- aw darn, blurry pics again! Oh least you can get a sense for how spacious the opening area of the library is from this.
Shopping carts! I was really tickled by this. I've been to lots of libraries with hand baskets you can use, but this may have been the first with carts.
I understand this checkout area is pretty new. I like it, particularly the prominent position of the statue.

 And, at the other end of the desk, a nice convenient place for community announcements and fliers. At my current library, we just have this stuff flopped over the end of the circulation desk, but it looks much neater on shelves.
A comfortable-looking reading area with nice art. I would take a nice book or magazine to that corner if I had the time.
It's good to see my current library isn't the only one with a large audiobook collection still. For people who don't stream everything yet, these collections are crucial.

And how cool is this? Circulating telescopes! They actually needed to buy two, because demand for them was so high.
And look at all these book club book collections! I understand these circulate well too.